Sunday, April 20, 2008

Installing Rose::DB::Object

For the Backlog project, I was thinking this was going to be a good opportunity to also learn Rose::DB::Object, so I tried installing it via CPAN. Oops, it had some errors along the way. It turns out that SQL::ReservedWords has a dependency on Data::OptList which it doesn't declare. Installing Data::OptList solved that problem, but Rose::DB::Object is still failing its test suite:

t/db-object-manager..................7/3900 Can't locate object method "format_select_start_sql" via package "Rose::DB::__RoseDBPrivate__::Rose::DB::MySQL" at /Users/dhosek/.cpan/build/Rose-DB-Object-0.769-AXgKMz/blib/lib/Rose/DB/Object/ line 725.
# Looks like you planned 3900 tests but only ran 827.
# Looks like your test died just after 827.
t/db-object-manager.................. Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 3073/3900 subtests
(less 783 skipped subtests: 44 okay)

My insomnia feels resolved, so I'll come back to this after sleep.

Update (21 April): I managed to solve the problem: Doing an install of Rose::DB::MySQL then re-trying to install Rose::DB::Object managed to do the trick.

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