Friday, March 7, 2008

Getting Things Done

I first became aware of Getting Things Done from the 43 folders web site. While I've had the book for a couple years, I finally read it this week (along with installing OmniFocus on my work Mac). So far, I'm finding the GTD workflow to be quite helpful. Omnifocus, somewhat less so, other than as a trusted repository for projects. The big difficulty is that Omnifocus ties me too much to the Mac. On the other hand, there has been an announcement that OmniGroup will be doing an iPhone version of Omnifocus. That plus multi-computer syncing could make Omnifocus a really great product for my needs.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

First experiences with OS X Leopard (10.5)

I've finally got the iMac with Leopard on my desk at work. So far it's pretty good, although I do have a few complaints, most notably spaces got a few things wrong: cmd-tab and cmd-` should never change spaces. It's really disconcerting to have that happen. I want to be able to pretend that what's in the current workspace is everything I've got, so I can do quick and easy context switches.

And the choices for the switch between spaces are really disappointing. I don't think that I have an app which doesn't use one of ctrl-arrow, opt-arrow or cmd-arrow for something. At this point, I've just disabled the arrow switching.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Version control and databases

We have a practice of having a branch for each story in the sprint. This works fine with most stories, but what happens when we have stories that affect the database. I found this discussion on the topic which has some interesting reflections and comments. In general, though, my sense is that version control for databases is at best ad hoc and kludgy. RIght now we're doing something similar to Rails migrations, but handled manually. I'd like to formalize that process. I'm looking at DBIx::Migration::Directories, although I find no commentary on it at all, anywhere.